15 of March 2013.

CÉRÉMONIE EN SOUVENIR DES ÉLÈVES ET ANCIENS ÉLÈVES JUIFS DE L'ÉCOLE FRANÇAISE DE THESSALONIQUE 70 years since the first deportation of Thessalonians Jews to Auschwitz- WJC Idear, project ¨Αngela Ma. Arbeláez - Interfaith Intercultural Dialogue Group under one sky- copyright. A synergy of the French Institute and General Consulate of France, the Jewish Community and Catholic Parish of Thessaloniki in the framework of the program of the World Jewish Congress for the commemoration. 

Filmed VIDEO and editing by Voat films after an arrangement and permission of the Interfaith Intercultural Dialogue group. Script : Voat films - 'Angela Ma. Arbeláez- Interfaith Intercultural Dialogue -

By Marianna Kourti May 23, 2011 for GREEK REPORTER

The smell of the Jewish dishes, the sounds of Sephardic songs, the daily routine of the neighborhoods of Thessaloniki, but also the memories of the Holocaust and the survival effort, are revived through the narrations of the city's Jews. The narration was broadcasted on the radio show of Angela Maria Arbeláez "From Greece, This is Thessaloniki", which is broadcast by the Spanish "Radio Sefarad". The show is broadcast in three languages, Spanish, Greek and Ladino (the language spoken by Sephardi Jews, when they arrived in Greece after 1492).

The aim of the show is the localization, the collection, the rescue and the spread of Greek Hebraism's history and culture with an emphasis on the Sephardic culture of Thessaloniki. The show lasts 30 minutes and it is presented with the support of the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki, as well as the rest of Greece. They also discuss current issues of the Greek Jewish communities and other cultural issues. It should be mentioned that "Radio Sefarad" is a radio channel of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain, which has its own site on the internet and which is funded by the Spanish government, by public foundations and individual sponsors. Angela Maria Arbeláez presented her research for the oral Sephardic tradition during a meeting yesterday at the Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki, it included the newest surveys regarding the Jewish communities of Thessaloniki.

Ángela María Arbeláez speaks on Thessaloniki's Sephardic legacy at ACT

1 of December 2014,Thessaloniki

Art historian, journalist and Interfaith activist Ángela María Arbeláez Arbeláez spoke to study abroad and NUin students about her experience in interfaith and intercultural relations living in Thessaloniki in the Bissell Library this past Thursday, November 27.

The talk, dedicated to the continuing legacy of Sephardic Jews in Thessaloniki, was co-convened by Drs Maria Kyriakidou and Nikos Dimitriadis. Students were given a brief overview of the history of the Jewish presence in Thessaloniki, and then heard brief clips of the "voices" of this community as can still be heard in the streets of the city.

Dr Arbeláez was born in Colombia. She currently resides in Greece and spends much time in Israel. She has been especially active working with Greek Holocaust survivors. She broadcast a program in Greek, Spanish, and Ladino called "From Greece, This is Thessaloniki" on Radio Sefarad, the aim of which "is the localization, the collection, the rescue and the spread of Greek Hebraism's history and culture with an emphasis on the Sephardic culture of Thessaloniki."

Sometimes there are news so good that truly elate you

Sometimes there are news so good that truly elate you. Still, when I learned about a new radio program about the Greek Jewry and the shephardic culture I almost didn't believe it and I was cautious. But now a month has passed and I can say that it has not only conquered me but I also believe that it is one of the most important developments in the cultural landscape of the Greek Jewish communities.

Thanks to the passion of Angela Maria Arbeláez and the support of the Jewish Community of Salonica, the most important sephardic community in the word after 1492, a new radio show came on the air with the name «Desde Grecia, akí Salónika/From Greece, Here Salonica«.

Already 8 shows have aired and an archive of the shows, which one can download freely, can be found here. The last show – here – deals with memories from the Jews of Rhodes, live conversations in ladino from contemporary Greek Jews, the second part on the sephardic literature by M.Molho and the story of Djilda Capon from Salonica.

Among the themes of the show one finds songs like from the ones from the famous salonican traditional singer Daviko Saltiel, reportages from events like the one of the new Shoah Memorial in Athens, presentations of Greek-Jewish artists like Lydia Abastado and life stories from Jews in Salonica, Veria and other cities for those willing to learn about the past but also for those interested in hearing everyday ladino and not songs.

I cannot but feel enthusiasm for this show which, as Mrs.Arbelaez says: «wishes to be a link with the Jewish Diaspora of Spain, the countries of the Latin America and the USA and Greek Jews of Israel; to portray the History, the Cultural Heritage and the Values of the Greek Jewry through events and testimonies«. I hope that many more shows will follow and I strongly recomend to everyone to dowload the shows and hear them in their homes or their cars. Even those who do not speak spanish will certainly appreciate the music transmitted during the show.

The creator of the show deserves a special mention. Angela Maria Arbeláez is a reporter from Colombia, (correspondent for spanish newspaper El Pais and other colombian newspapers), with many years in Greece and excellent academic credentials;

Ναύπακτος – Σταυροδρόμι – Γέφυρα πολιτισμών. Έκθεση, Μαΐου2013. Ναύπακτος

Όψεις της εβραϊκής παρουσίας στη Ναύπακτο-Αρχιεπίσκοπος Δαμασκηνός «Δίκαιος των Εθνών» .

Nafpaktos – Crossroads – Bridge of Cultures. Exhibition, May 2013. Nafpaktos. Glances of the Jewish presence in Nafpaktos – Archbishop Damaskinos "Righteous Among the Nations".


Exhibition, installation. Archbishop Damaskinos Glances of the Jewish Presence in Nafpaktos. Idea, curator Angela Ma. Arbeláez in a synergy with the Municipality of Nafpaktos, the Minister of Culture and the Metropolis of Nafpaktos.

Conferencias: "Tras las huellas de la presencia Judia en Grecia, Salónika" en Colombia


Organizada por la Comunidades Sefaradies  y Ashkenazí de Cali,  Santa Fé de Bogotá y Colegio Colombo Hebreo de Bogotá. 2010

"Η σεφαραδίτικη κουλτούρα στο ραδιόφωνο"
"Η σεφαραδίτικη κουλτούρα στο ραδιόφωνο"

- Angela Maria Arbelaez, "Η σεφαραδίτικη κουλτούρα στο ραδιόφωνο"

Συμβιώνοντας με τη μετανάστευση

(Συλλογικό έργο)Επιμέλεια: Έκδοση: Ιούλιος 2011 από "Ιανός"
Σελ.:221 (24χ17), Μαλακό εξώφυλλο, ISBN: 960-6882-45-4

Συγγραφή:Ευτυχία Βουτυρά, Ανδρέας Χ. Τάκης,Μαρία Βουτσίνου,Θάνος Μαρούκης, Alexandra Novosselov, Δέσποινα Συρρή, Κλεοπάτρα Γιουσέφ, Αναστασία Γκαϊνταρτζή, Κωστής Α. Τσιούμης, Γιώτα Γάτση, Μαρία Τσαντσάνογλου, Ángela María Arbeláez, κ.ά.

(Συλλογικό έργο)Επιμέλεια: Έκδοση: Ιούλιος 2011 από "Ιανός"
Σελ.:221 (24χ17), Μαλακό εξώφυλλο, ISBN: 960-6882-45-4